
Pre-made cover for the CVA's next SF book : "Apparitions"

Pre-made cover for Jessy Jane's next novel : "Something about... US"

estrange reality cva

Pre-made cover for the Lori Ann Stephens's novel : "Some Act of Vision".

Pre-made comics cover for the next CVA's book in the Estrange Reality Series : "La clé de l'ADN".

estrange reality cva
2nd pre-made cover version for Paul Hoyt's book: "The first light of joy".

estrange reality cva

1st pre-made cover version for "The practice of awakening" by Paul Hoyt

FINAL COVER for the 2nd volume of Estrange Reality's  Series : MAUDIT (french version).
ON SALE juin 3, 2013.

I had the pleasure of creating the FINAL COVER and the script and contribute to the achievement
of 18 comic book pages, for the 1st volume : "l'ANGE", Neural Network Series (french version).
ON SALE, August 13, 2012.

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FINAL COVER for the 1st volume of Estrange Reality's  Series: DEUIL (french version).
ON SALE March, 2012.
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L'affiche que j'ai réalisée pour la journée de dédicace de l'auteur
(le 1er volume de la série Estrange Reality est apparu en mars 2012).
Affiche publicitaire en vue de la publication d'une version en BANDE DESSINÉE de ce volume.

AFFICHE - INVITATION - Magicien Flyer - 2012

 CD Cover for the next single "Found"